Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Music Magazine Questions: Target Readership

Questions: Target Audience Music Magazine



Music Magazine Masthead - Final

Music Magazine Masthead - Final
In this lesson I decided on the final Masthead that will go on my Music Magazine front cover.

Music Magazine Mastheads

Music Magazine Mastheads

These are the mastheads that I came up with for my music magazine, with each masthead I changed the blending options making the colours correspond with the names. E.G. 'PURE BLUE' was blended in blue.

Music Magazine Influences


These are the magazines that I looked at for inspiration when deciding on how I was going to plan my music magazine cover and the contents page, according to the style, layout and masthead. I noticed that most R&B/Hip-Hop magazines favourite the colours; Grey, Red, Black, White and Blue.

Front cover

Contents Page

Planning For Music Magazine

Planning For Publication

In this lesson I begun to plan my music publication for my magazine

The genre of this publication is R&B/Hip-Hop

- Rhythm and Blues known as R'n'B
- Popular African/American music
- Urbane, rocking jazzed bass music with a heavey insistent beat
- Developed from rock and roll  
Examples of R&B artist: Mariah Carey, R.Kelly, Monica and Brandy

Target Adience:
This magazine is targeted at teenagers and adults aged 16-13 year old who are interested in R&B/HipHop. This magazine is avaliable for all races as it's presenting  multiculturalism worldwide.
Purpose and Intention
The purpose of Essential Magazine is to provide information to fans on the latest gossip as well as entertainment. It is also to grab the fans attention by releasing gigs and tour dates when there

Colour Scheme:
The main colours that will be used will be; grey, white. black, red, yellow and blue. As this represents the R&B theme.

Uses and Gratifications
Everyone can share their personal interest and opinions with friends and family about the articles due to the new trends and follow up set by artists.

School Magazine Analysis

School Magazine Analysis

Thursday, 6 December 2012

NME Reader Profile - Target Audience

The NME READER PROFILE suggest that the target audience profile is aimed at men. This is because of the images that are shown on the profile and the names of shops. For example 'Top Man' and 'H&M' this suggest that the consumers are into high fashion trends and like to look sharp and be on top all the time. As well as the 'Xbox' which is mostly played by males and which the people who read NME are into technology.

The NME male audience are very influential in their social circles as the key stats shows the the males are more genuinely attracted than the females as the  males are 66% and the females having 34%. This also relates with the items chosen 'Carling' beer, 'Jack Daniels'. 

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

School Magazine Front Cover

Magazine Front Cover

This is my school magazine front cover that was designed on photoshop.

School Magazine Contents Page

Contents Page
This is my school magazine contents page that was designed on photoshop.

Monday, 22 October 2012

Evaluation of Exsiting Web Logs

This table presents an evaluation on differnt web logs and the purpose and interaction of them. It also explains the effect that it has towards the reader in which what media and ICT techniques have been used. E.G. Hyperlinks, Videos, Images and different Colours.
Evaluation of Existing Web Logs

Smart Targets that will help make my blogs a success:

- Hyperlinks that will make it easier for the audience
- Youtube videos
- Jpeg-Images alongside information that backs up the picture.

Sunday, 21 October 2012

Comparitive Analysis of Front Covers


I have anaylsed two music magazine front covers one being VIBE and the other being Billboard. I then compared the features of both magazines, comparing the mastheads, cover picture, text and subheadings.

Wrapping Text To A Path

In todays lesson I learnt how to use the verticle text tool on Photoshop to wrap text to a path. Allowing the text to follow exactly where the path as been drawn.

Friday, 5 October 2012

Masthead Research

The logo of the NME magazine suggest how bold the magazine may be due to the colours of the logo which are; Red, Black and White. This logo can have a huge impact on the aundience becuase of how it stands out in capitals which also corodinates with the colours chosen. These colours can represent passion, peace and purity as it can be interpreted in many different ways. 

KERRANG! Expresses the genre of music through the logo which reflects the look it gives off that has a edgy and rough typeface. This automatciaclly gives the aundience a clue of what sort of magazine this may be as one of the fearures may be ROCK!

 The Mojo magazine logo  is simple but yet very relaxed. This is beacuse of how the letters are curved and not as bold as 'NME'. The slogan however still attracts the audiences attention because it is in the middle of the logo and is written in red.
Shout magazine logo differs from the other magazines this is because it gives a more feminine approach as it appeals to them more. The typography of this text suggest that the audience for this magazine may be for teenage girls because the letters are sharp and not curved. This fits in with the colours as it is multi-coloured and not plain black.

Top of the pops has a lower-case almost girly feel to the logo. This suggest that the magazine is targeted for those at a younger age. The typeface also suggest that this corresponds with the pop  genre.



Hello there, welcome to my lovely blog!

My name is Martina Conteh I currently came from the secondary school called 'The Urswick School' who recieved seven A-C's in my GCSE's. I am now attending the six form called 'LaSwap' and I am taking on the AS courses such as; Psycology, Sociology, Media and ICT.

I chose Media especially because I find it vey interesting knowing that it has a lot to offer in the industry. I'm studying this course mainly because I want my Media skills to develope and to learn a lot more on how the Media industry works as a whole. . I enjoy taking pictures, using photoshop CS6 to edit, create and change pictures in my own way.

I have a strong passion for music, mainly because it can be interpreted and expressed in many different ways depending on what mood your in (:

These are the two main songs that i enjoy listening to and are constantly on repeat.

'Trey Songz - Dive In'   &   'Frank Ocean - Pink Matter'


Typography can be expressed in many differerent ways. I chose five different fonts on '' because I think they will be most suitable for a school magzaine. Depending on how the fonts may be expressed many of these fonts can have different meanings.
In class I learnt that typography can be used in three main ways in Media which are; Serif, Sans Serif and Cursive.