Friday 5 October 2012



Hello there, welcome to my lovely blog!

My name is Martina Conteh I currently came from the secondary school called 'The Urswick School' who recieved seven A-C's in my GCSE's. I am now attending the six form called 'LaSwap' and I am taking on the AS courses such as; Psycology, Sociology, Media and ICT.

I chose Media especially because I find it vey interesting knowing that it has a lot to offer in the industry. I'm studying this course mainly because I want my Media skills to develope and to learn a lot more on how the Media industry works as a whole. . I enjoy taking pictures, using photoshop CS6 to edit, create and change pictures in my own way.

I have a strong passion for music, mainly because it can be interpreted and expressed in many different ways depending on what mood your in (:

These are the two main songs that i enjoy listening to and are constantly on repeat.

'Trey Songz - Dive In'   &   'Frank Ocean - Pink Matter'

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