Friday, 5 October 2012

Masthead Research

The logo of the NME magazine suggest how bold the magazine may be due to the colours of the logo which are; Red, Black and White. This logo can have a huge impact on the aundience becuase of how it stands out in capitals which also corodinates with the colours chosen. These colours can represent passion, peace and purity as it can be interpreted in many different ways. 

KERRANG! Expresses the genre of music through the logo which reflects the look it gives off that has a edgy and rough typeface. This automatciaclly gives the aundience a clue of what sort of magazine this may be as one of the fearures may be ROCK!

 The Mojo magazine logo  is simple but yet very relaxed. This is beacuse of how the letters are curved and not as bold as 'NME'. The slogan however still attracts the audiences attention because it is in the middle of the logo and is written in red.
Shout magazine logo differs from the other magazines this is because it gives a more feminine approach as it appeals to them more. The typography of this text suggest that the audience for this magazine may be for teenage girls because the letters are sharp and not curved. This fits in with the colours as it is multi-coloured and not plain black.

Top of the pops has a lower-case almost girly feel to the logo. This suggest that the magazine is targeted for those at a younger age. The typeface also suggest that this corresponds with the pop  genre.

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