Wednesday 19 December 2012

Planning For Music Magazine

Planning For Publication

In this lesson I begun to plan my music publication for my magazine

The genre of this publication is R&B/Hip-Hop

- Rhythm and Blues known as R'n'B
- Popular African/American music
- Urbane, rocking jazzed bass music with a heavey insistent beat
- Developed from rock and roll  
Examples of R&B artist: Mariah Carey, R.Kelly, Monica and Brandy

Target Adience:
This magazine is targeted at teenagers and adults aged 16-13 year old who are interested in R&B/HipHop. This magazine is avaliable for all races as it's presenting  multiculturalism worldwide.
Purpose and Intention
The purpose of Essential Magazine is to provide information to fans on the latest gossip as well as entertainment. It is also to grab the fans attention by releasing gigs and tour dates when there

Colour Scheme:
The main colours that will be used will be; grey, white. black, red, yellow and blue. As this represents the R&B theme.

Uses and Gratifications
Everyone can share their personal interest and opinions with friends and family about the articles due to the new trends and follow up set by artists.

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